It’s not easy to become an expert at SEO. Sure, there is plenty of information out there, and plenty of handy tips, tricks and guides. The problem though, is that the rules of engagement don’t stay the same for long. The search engine algorithms are in a state of constant change, and because they’re kept […]
Category Archives: Search Engine Optimisation
If anybody ever tells you that they can guarantee you a first place result on Google, then it’s time to tread very warily. Net Age has been in the business of search engine optimisation for more than ten years, and we won’t guarantee any such thing. And frankly, you should be suspicious of anybody who […]
One of the major misconceptions about search engine optimisation, (SEO), is that it’s a quick fix that SEO professionals can simply add onto your finished website after the fact, to help you get the best rankings. In reality though, SEO is nothing of the sort. Rather, SEO is a focused strategy that needs to be […]
In March 2008 the 28th most popular search term, according to the New York Times, was “drugs”. Considering the way many people approach keyword research, one might think this made March a good month to be a drug dealer. If only keyword research was as simple as that. A Closer Look At Keywords Looking a […]
One of the most controversial SEO topics, keyword density refers to the percentage of your written content that is made up of the keywords you’re using to target your online market via the search engines. The debate still rages on as to what the perfect keyword density is, to get the best results on search […]
What Is Keyword Research? Keyword research is the art of finding the keywords your potential customers are using on the search engines, then determining how to incorporate those keywords into your marketing strategy. Through keyword research you can determine what words your customers, and even your competitors, are using most. This gives you an advantage […]
The first step in realising the importance of keyword research is that of acceptance. Accepting that you, in actual fact, do not speak the same language as your customers and clients, you don’t know how they think, or what they want to gain from your services. In marketing, we speak in the language of solutions, […]
The importance of content, good, quality content, on your website is second-to-none in terms of link building and optimisation for organic searches. The Power of Inbound Links I know that it cannot be denied that quality, relevant inbound links give your website unmatched credibility in the eyes of search engines, like Google, and that that credibility gets […]
The net abounds with all manner of useful hints, tips and tricks aimed at producing content writing that will successfully market your website or blog. More than in any other form this advice appears as articles written by webmasters and freelance content writers whose experience in the field has proven invaluable to those, like myself, […]
The whole SEO field is somewhat obscured by a kind of industry mystery, where no one but those directly involved really know what it is all about, and sometimes even those involved seem to be a bit clueless. So, where does this leave you, looking to employ an SEO professional? It is difficult filtering out […]