Tag Archives: Google Algorithms

Website Ranking

Google can be fairly tight-lipped on how exactly their web crawlers’ algorithm works. Most of what we know about their ranking practices is either very obvious or down to studied observation of ranking fluctuations in relations to changes on a specific web page. Most webmasters know all the big SEO activities: content, link profiles, link […]

Google Panda Update 3.8

We wrote about the introduction of Google’s algorithm Panda in February of last year. The learning algorithm focuses on artificial intelligence by filtering out entire sites, rather than pages, based on inferences it makes from the data put together made by thousands of site quality testers. On average, Google likes to update most of their […]

Google Updates Their Algorithm Panda

With the very recent announcement of Google’s new Penguin algorithm in late April of this year, many have have forgotten about their Panda algorithm. We reported on previous updates in March. This latest update, released earlier this week, will be fully implemented over the next few days. Many even wondered if the Penguin was replacing […]

Multinational SEO With Venice Update From Google

The new multinational search results update from Google’s Venice update has many SEO practitioners excited. Essentially this will be a great balancer for business websites around the world trying to achieve higher organic traffic through results rankings. There were many changes with the update, over forty, but these have gone largely unnoticed. But the implications […]

Avoid Penguin Penalties

A big fuss has been made after the launch of Google’s new algorithm update, Penguin, in April of this year. The main issue, of course, being that it seemed many sites suddenly fell in the wake of its introduction. As with Google’s previous algorithm update Panda, this is all in an effort to bring more […]

Google Update May 2012

Well, it’s that time of the month that Google tells us the most recent “improvements” to their algorithm. You can see the official announcement on the Google blog, Inside Search, or you can carry on reading for the highlights. As is often the case, there are a whole bunch of minor changes, but we’ll focus […]

Google Penguin Update Updated

The recent Penguin update, first launched at the end of April, has been causing much consternation among website owners and SEO firms alike, with many reports of dropping rankings, reduced web traffic, and similar problems. Although Google claimed that only a fraction of sites and searches were affected, the update has caused many sleepless nights, […]

Webspam Update Named Penguin

We’ve previously discussed the last Google update which has variously gone under the name of the “Over-Optimisation” update, the “Web Spam” update, and now finally, the “Penguin” update, Google’s own official name for it. I think that we can also safely say that not even the infamous Panda update and its variations have occasioned as […]

Google Update Targets Web Spam Not SEO

The official Google search blog has announced a new update, apparently aimed specifically at what they call “webspam.” The changes will decrease rankings for sites that are violating the quality guidelines, including things like keyword stuffing, link schemes, cloaking and what they call “purposeful” duplicate content. Spam Not SEO What I find most interesting about the […]

Google Warns About Artifical Link Structures

At the beginning of this month, Google announced their latest algorithm changes which included new ways of handling links, and more penalties for link exchanges and poor quality links. Usually, it’s very hard to even know whether or not you’ve been hit by a penalty, and Google is famously close-mouthed (or uncommunicative, depending on your […]