Earlier this month, Facebook revealed that the reporting data it shares with publishers and advertisers could have been subject to errors. This comes two months after they admitted that it had been over-estimating the average time users spent watching videos on the platform.
These latest errors involved reporting on the amount of time people spent reading news articles, and their estimate of how many people had been exposed to non-paid content.
Facebook has assured advertisers that none of the errors would have had any effect on the advertising fees that it charges, and in fact, some of the errors, they further claim, could have actually worked in favour of advertisers.
Minor Flaws
On the surface, the errors that they reported are fairly minor. More people were exposed to paid content than they had originally thought, and fewer people were watching videos on the platform until the end of the video.
Despite the relatively insignificant mistakes in the data that these errors reflect, especially given the 200+ metrics that Facebook makes available to 3rd parties, there are concerns that these errors may undermine advertiser confidence in the medium.
Measurement Council
Responding to these concerns, Facebook has announced that they have created a new internal review process to try and ensure errors like this do not continue creeping in. In addition, they have revealed plans to create a “measurement council” in order to allow businesses to provide input in terms of the development of future metrics, to help them ensure they are catering to the needs of their advertisers, who are the sole source of income for the social media giant.