Category Archives: Retention Marketing

POPI Act In Effect 1st July

Just a quick reminder that the provisions of the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) go into effect on the 1st July. Technically, it came into effect last year, but it also granted a 1 year grace period to become compliant, and that grace period expires on the 30th of June 2021. Failure to comply […]

POPI Compliance Deadline Set

Although promulgated into law in 2013, the Protection of Personal Information Act, (or POPI Act) has been in only limited effect for the past 7 years, never really going past the point of setting up the office of the Regulator as envisaged in the Act. As a result, although the framework has been there, the […]

POPI Adoption Expected Soon

Although parts of the POPI (Protection Of Personal Information) Act have technically been in force for some time already, the remaining (and most important) provisions have not yet been adopted. Last week however, the Chairperson of the Information Regulator of South Africa indicated that her office had requested the President adopt the remaining provisions and […]

Brands & Storytelling: Tell Stories That Matter To You

Telling stories is part of our makeup as human beings. We have been gathered around a “fire” for thousands of years, and the sharing, and eventual documenting, of stories has been a human constant throughout recorded history, and undoubtedly even before. As much as the world has changed, and social media, video chatting and many […]

Why People Unsubscribe

Email marketing remains one of the most effective forms of online marketing to date, but if you’re going to be sending your client list emails, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. One of the most common ways of determining whether your recipients are happy with the emails you’re sending them […]

How Brands Influence Consumers

As more and more options become available to the consumer, and as it becomes ever easier for the consumer to compare products, prices, and services, the importance of brand equity is becoming more and more apparent. Simply put, brand equity refers to the commercial value of the customer perception of the brand providing a service […]

Marketing Automation

When the first advanced marketing automation systems were introduced in the mid 1990’s, the price of them, and the limited online presence of consumers, made it close to impossible for small businesses to make use of the software, which originally focused primarily on email. As technology and consumers alike advance however, and as more and […]

Optimise PDF Files For SEO

If you upload PDF’s to your site for your visitors to read or download, it’s a good idea to keep in mind that in many cases, Google can read that PDF and even display its contents in search engine results.  As far as Google is concerned, a PDF is just another type of web page, […]

Email Marketing vs Social Media

“If your business isn’t on social media it may as well not exist,” is a phrase often spoken by people who don’t understand social media. What they fail to realise is that their statement isn’t really applicable to every business. For some businesses having a strong presence on social media is vital, but this is […]