Google+ Launches Brand Pages

Google+, Google’s fledgling social media platform, with around 40 million users, today announced the roll-out of Google+ Pages, a new feature that allows the creation of brand pages for businesses in Google+.

According to the official Google blog, Google wants to ensure that users can build connections not just to other people, but to other things as well, from local businesses to international brands.

Creating Your Google+ Page

Creating a brand page on Google+ is pretty easy. The first thing you need to do is to log in to your Google profile. If you don’t have an existing Google+ account, you’ll be prompted to create one.

Once you’re logged in, click this link to create your Google+ Brand Page.

Next, you’ll have to select the category that matches your brand or business.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll be prompted to enter some basic information about your brand. This can be changed or updated later.

Next, click the “Create” button, and you’ll get a message telling you that you’re now working from your brand page, and not your personal one. Confirm that message, and then move on to customise your profile. Add images, a tag line, or whatever else is appropriate for your page.

And that’s it…you’ve got a Google+ Brand Page for your business. Go share it and start getting the word out.

And This Means…

Well, nobody is quite sure yet.

In theory, it’s more online exposure. And Google has incorporated a new feature called Direct Connect, that lets people find your brand directly from the search, simply by searching for +(brand name). It’s only working for a few of the earliest adopters right now, but according to Google it’ll soon include any brand that has a +Page.

Looks like brand pages can’t follow people unless the person follows them so far, but it’s early days yet, and we’ll be keeping an eye on things to see how they develop.

At the end of the day, having one of these can’t hurt. And it may even help.

You can find our Google + Brand Page here: +Net Age.

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