Google Removing Inactive My Business Listings

In the wake of a recent announcement by Google that they would be removing Google My Business listings that were unverified, or which had no activity, we’ve seen a few of our clients lose their Google My Business listings.

As a result, we just wanted to remind you that it’s essential to make sure that you log into your My Business account regularly, not only to ensure that the details are all correct, but also to keep it active.  The My Business listing has significant benefits, and as such, it is important to keep it active.

My Business Listing Benefits

The Google My Business listing gives you the chance to show up in Google local search results, as well as the so-called local “snack-pack” and on searches carried out on Google Maps.

These are not only excellent branding opportunities, but they can be a source of lead generation from local searches as well.

In addition to the search results options that My Business listings provide, they’re also necessary for including your location details in your Google Ads ads, and allowing reviews of your business, which Google considers a positive signal for search engine ranking as well.

Without an active listing, you won’t show up on Google maps, in local search results, or be able to display details taken from the listing in your ad campaigns.

Sign In To Your Account

So, suffice it to say, it’s critical that you sign into your account regularly to make sure it doesn’t get removed.  If you don’t have the time to do this regularly, we do offer the service for a nominal fee, and you can contact us for more information.