Marketing In The Time Of Lock-Down

The outbreak of COVID-19 in South Africa, and the resulting lock-down that the government has put in place to help slow the spread of transmission has resulted in many uncertainties for the future of both small and large businesses, and indeed, even the global economy.

With both business and private concerns facing unprecedented restrictions and worries, many companies are looking for ways to work remotely, pause ongoing projects, and above all, try and maintain enough liquidity to weather the storm.

In these interesting times, budget cuts are inevitable, and PR and marketing services are often first in line when it comes to trying to contain and reduce costs. The fact is though, that these are the times when your marketing and PR could be the most important thing you’re doing, especially if you need to suspend other operations.

Instead of stopping your marketing, you should be looking for ways to use it as creatively and innovatively as possible.

Search Engine Marketing

Use tools like Google Ads Search, Display and Remarketing to make sure that your clients know that you’re still out there, and you’re still offering the products or services they need in teh normal course of things, even if there are delays or limitations right now.

Social Media Marketing

Post content to your social media accounts and boost selected posts to help create positive awareness for your target audience. Even if it’s just telling people what you’re doing to handle the lock-down, or what measures you have put in place for suppliers and customers, the important thing is to maintain a presence, and make sure it’s a positive one.

Website Content

This is going to be a time of high digital media consumption. Regularly add articles and information to your site that is relevant to both your business and clients, and to the current situation. Consider things like media releases, analysis articles, case studies, etc.

Virtual Meetings & Broadcasts

This is a time when you need to be strengthening your relationship with your clients. Whether its a virtual meeting to discuss their lock-down strategy or how you can help them, or a video Q&A covering your plans and contingencies for public dissemination, the important thing is to try and remain as engaged as possible in this time of social distancing.