With the continuing proliferation of so-called Fake News, it is becoming more and more important to ensure that we can differentiate between them. And while on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, fake news is often spotted and called out, it has proven a little more difficult to do on platforms which are not […]
Tag Archives: Social Media Scams
According to a report earlier this month, Facebook, and more specifically its Instagram division, are suing 4 companies based in China for promoting the sale of fake accounts, followers and likes that, as we well know, can be used for illegal and / or unethical purposes. Fake accounts, likes and followers have ben known to […]
In a just released announcement by social media giant Facebook, the California-based company has warned its users to watch out for one of the old “419 scams” that has recently resurfaced on the social media network. According to Facebook, cyber-criminals have been posing as users, and asking their “friends” to urgently send them money as […]