Tag Archives: Branding

Brands & Storytelling: Tell Stories That Matter To You

Telling stories is part of our makeup as human beings. We have been gathered around a “fire” for thousands of years, and the sharing, and eventual documenting, of stories has been a human constant throughout recorded history, and undoubtedly even before. As much as the world has changed, and social media, video chatting and many […]

How Brands Influence Consumers

As more and more options become available to the consumer, and as it becomes ever easier for the consumer to compare products, prices, and services, the importance of brand equity is becoming more and more apparent. Simply put, brand equity refers to the commercial value of the customer perception of the brand providing a service […]

The Importance Of Online Brand Building

The world is moving faster than ever with constantly evolving technologies, emerging social media platforms, viral videos, trending topics, streams of memes, algorithm updates, increased mobile adoption, apps and so on, making it easy to forget about one of the few things that stays constant through it all…the brand. Online marketing fast. Very fast. And […]

Branding – Building Credibility

An effective branding strategy is an essential component in building a credible and trustworthy online business presence. At their best, branding solutions increase the perceived value of a product or service to customers, making it more likely that they’ll choose your brand over competing ones. The increasing pace of globalisation has created a more competitive environment […]