Tag Archives: Google

Anti-Trust Report Hints At Tech Firm Break-Ups

After a 16 month long investigation, followed by a virtual hearing with the CEO’s of Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google (Alphabet), the US House Judiciary committee released a 449 page report at the beginning of this month, detailing the results of their investigation into anti-trust allegations against the companies that are commonly seen as the […]

Google Ad Practices Under Investigation

Heading toward the end of a year which has no doubt proven trying for practically all of the online “giants,” Google, perhaps the biggest of all, is facing yet another anti-trust investigation, this time brought against it by a nationwide group of states, including DC and Puerto Rico. The investigation appears to be following a […]

Google Reorganises Corporate Structure

Earlier this month, Google made new waves when they announced the implementation of a corporate restructure, in which they’ll reorganise under the name “Alphabet,” of which Google will just be a division or subsidiary. Given the extent to which Google diverged from its original business, namely search, it’s not surprising that some of their further […]

Google Takeover Rumours Send Twitter’s Stock Up

Well, it isn’t the freshest rumour around, but more recent speculation on a potential takeover bid by Google caused Twitter’s stock to rise almost 4.8%, ending on a 52 week high. It seemed that this followed recent gossip in the financial industry that Twitter had reportedly hired advisors from leading investment and consulting firm, Goldman […]

Factors Affecting Google+ Local Search Engine Marketing

The release of Google Plus’s Local Search feature was to many websites a sign of a completely new era in local search engine marketing. One in which a commerce websites no longer had to compete with gigantic international ones for a high ranking in the SERP. All they had to do now was have a […]

The Google Share a Link Experiment

A new development in the way Google+ users can recommend results on Google’s website was announced yesterday on the G+ network by Google associate product manager Sean Liu. The change may affect how social signals and sharing signals are evaluated in the future. ‘Share’ Replacing ‘+1’ Although at the moment it’s only an experiment, those […]

Google Knowledge Graph

The latest announcement out of Google is that, starting today, it will begin rolling out a new way of displaying and interacting with search results. They’re calling it the Knowledge Graph and according to Google’s search team and Amit Singhal, it will take the hard work out of search. From Keywords To Concepts Matt Cutts has […]