Tag Archives: Google Analytics

Protect Your Company Website Analytics

One of the most important tools you have when you’re advertising online is website analytics. It gives you insight into where your website visitors are coming from, what their behaviours are, who your audience is, and what actions they are they taking on your website, with all the permutations thereof. Google Analytics is a free […]

Set Your Own Data Retention Policy In Analytics

Earlier this month, Google Analytics users received an email telling them that, as a result of the new European General Data Protection Regulation, which comes into effect at the end of May, they will no longer be retaining Analytics data indefinitely. Instead, they have made it possible for users to set their own data retention […]

PageSpeed Insights & Analytics

The speed at which your site loads, (or page speed) has been considered one of the more important ranking factors in Google for some time already.  With Google’s focus on the user experience, a fast site is seen as being more user friendly, and therefore more deserving of a higher ranking. To help website owners […]

Analytics Removes Referral Spam

For a couple of years now, webmasters and online marketing agencies have been faced with a pernicious problem in Analytics.  Referral spam.  Referral spam was a technique of submitting fake requests to a website, using the URL of the site that spammers wished to promote. The idea behind it was that webmasters would click through […]

Google Analytics Guru – Avinash Kaushik

Few names stand out as much, in the field of website analytics, as that of Avinash Kaushik, co-founder of Market Motive, author of Web Analytics: An Hour A Day, and Google’s official Analytics Evangelist. A Mechanical Engineer with an MBA in Finance and Information Management Systems, his career has largely focused on decision support systems […]

Google Analytics – Web Tracking By Numbers

Google Analytics is a free service from Google that allows users to track data about visitors to their site. It achieves this by generating detailed statistics that may be analysed, to create an accurate picture of user behaviour. Google Analytics have proved immensely valuabl e in determining online trends, and it’s greatest advantage has been to the […]