Tag Archives: Social Media Marketing

Is Your Social Media Presence Really Selling Your Products?

These days, you’d be hard pressed to find a business that doesn’t have a Facebook page. And, on paper, it makes sense for these businesses to set up these pages and employ people full-time to maintain them. The statistics for worldwide social media use are staggering. In just one day Facebook users post over 4.5 […]

Social Media Shares

Some interesting, if slightly contradictory info out recently about the proportion of social media log-ins, and who is winning the war for social attention.  2 days ago, Gigya,  the developers of a leading consumer management suite released a study on which social media platform was used the most to log into various accounts and applications […]

Social Signals Not a Direct Ranking Signal

Google has a tendency towards being cryptic or completely counter-intuitive about the details of their ranking algorithms. Following from this, Matt Cutts, head of search quality at Google, recently debunked a report posted by SEO consulting giant SEOmoz, which stated that +1’s for content posted on the Google Plus network helped boost its organic ranking. […]

Social SEO for Businesses

With the amount of content exchange happening on social networks these days, it’s only natural that many companies are looking to get their products and ideas marketed through these channels. The potential to directly reach consumer influencers alone is almost invaluable for any business looking for a new communication channel. Social SEO has recently become […]

Google+ In Search Engine Results

In what’s only the latest indication that Google+ will be a factor in the search engine rankings, it seems that Google has started to deliver + results in its SERPs. According to several sources, including All About Content, Google+ posts are showing up in searches for which there are Google+ pages, if those pages have […]

Users Resist Brands In Social Media

We’ve been suggesting it for quite a while already, but thanks to the latest report by TNS Digital Life, there’s finally some compelling evidence that social media marketing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. The study, which covered more than 70,000 users in 60 countries around the world, showed that nearly 60% of online […]

Social Media Marketing Drives Little Traffic

In today’s online marketing environment, social media marketing is a big buzz word. everybody is a social media expert, and everybody has a strategy to leverage your social media presence… Except it doesn’t do much good yet. We’ve been dubious about the value of social media marketing for some time now, and it’s nice to […]

Few Referrals From Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is still set as one of the important things to do when it comes to online marketing. However, thanks to a recent report released by Outbrain, it looks like the huge social media machine isn’t providing websites with many visitors at all. Social Media Drives 11% of Traffic According to the report, […]

Is Social Media Marketing Worth The Effort?

Everybody knows about social media, (or social networking) these days. It’s no longer the next big thing, it’s a big thing right now. The real question though, is whether there’s any real marketing value to be had from it. It seems that opinions are divided on the issue. Some see the potential of social networking […]