Tag Archives: Social Media Tips

Social Media Tips For Lockdown

It can feel strange showing up on social media in a time where people are going through extreme anxiety, devastation, illness, and massive change. But amid the chaos, businesses still need fuel to run, and that takes awareness and intention from the business owner, as much as from their staff. Keeping clients and the public […]

Facebook Reveals What Data It Collects

Following on from Mark Zuckerberg’s appearance before the US Congress in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, and as part of his testimony, Facebook has revealed all (or most) of the many ways that it collects data on its users. While some of the data it collects about you, (like how much time you […]

Getting Users to Interact with You More on Social Media Sites

With the rising importance of social signals in Google’s ranking algorithm, an effective social media campaign has become more than just an internet novelty for companies on the bleeding edge of technology interaction. Now it’s a common standard for anyone marketing online. The best, or rather only, way to get social signals is to get […]