Tag Archives: User Behaviour

Internet 2020 – Changing Behaviours

In the last 20 odd years, the internet has changed almost unrecognisably for those of us who were using it back then. And the changes in the internet has, by necessity, changed the way the people interact with it, and search for information with it. And as it evolves, those behaviours will continue to change […]

525 Million Africans Online

According to data compiled by marketing firm Miniwatts, and sourced from Nielsen Online, the International Telecommunications Union, GfK and local regulators, an estimated 525 million people on the African continent went online last month. More than internet users in North America and the Middle East combined, despite the lowest level of internet penetration. The only […]

South Africans Online

According to the Global State Of Digital In 2019 report by Hootsuite, South African’s spend among the most time online of any country, with an average of nearly 8.5 hours a day spent online, compared to a bit over 6.5 hours a day for US users. This is despite the fact that we still have […]

Shopping Carts And Wishlists

In a recent study by user experience researchers and experts the Nielsen Norman Group, it was found that providing users with the ability to save shopping cart items for possible later purchase was a critical factor in providing an good user experience for ecommerce sites. From research performed across 49 ecommerce sites, the group found […]

South Africa Online – September 2018

According to Narratiive, a leading online audience measurement, modelling and verification company a total of 39.6 million unique browsers viewed over a billion pages online in South Africa this past September. Nearly 70% of those were Mobile Unique Browsers. (Yes, mobile really is first.) Here’s the rest of their data on what South African’s did […]