Category Archives: Search Engine Optimisation

Synonyms In Google Search

Since the beginning of this year, Google has been gradually including synonyms for the words that users are searching for in its results. It hasn’t necessarily been a dramatic change on the face of things, nor does it mean that Google always displays synonymous results. But there could be SEO implications to their use of […]

Google Instant And SEO

Earlier last month, we published an article about the launch of Google’s new search service, Google Instant. This is the new “real time” search service that provides results as you type, and in which Google effectively tries to predict what you’re searching for, and displays results that change as you type more letters. Predictably, it’s […]

Building Links The Right Way

As everybody in the search engine optimisation trade knows, and as we’ve mentioned countless times before, building good quality back links to your site is a vital and integral part of doing well in search engine rankings. But it’s important to make sure you’re going about building your links the right way. Far too many […]

Why You Shouldn’t Have A Flash Website

First introduced in 1996, Flash quickly became a popular tool online, allowing the combination of different types of graphics in animation that could be displayed in web browsers. These became known as Flash websites. As a tool for enhancing the look of a website, Flash can be very visually effective, and its rapid rise in […]

Understanding Google SEO

Google SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is becoming a vital part of online marketing and success. It is aimed at making Google see your website as very relevant in response to certain keywords and key phrases. If Google sees your web site as very relevant, it will place your web site in the top ranks of […]

Link Anchor Text & Google

As you’re probably aware, off-site links which point back to your website are a critical part of the calculation that Google makes when determining where in the search engine results your site appears. Part of the effectiveness of your links have to do with the anchor text that the link employs. Anchor text is the […]

When Will My Site Show On Google?

One of the most frequent questions we hear from new clients is “how long will it take before I can find my site on Google?” It’s a simple question. Unfortunately, the answer is not quite as simple as all that. How Sites Show Up On Google To build their search engine database, Google crawls and […]

Keyword Order Matters

With the latest updates to Google’s insanely complicated (and effective) algorithm, it’s no longer enough to just make sure that you have all your keywords on the page. Now, it’s turning out that keyword order has started to matter a lot more too, and that means keyword research has never been so important. Google Update […]

Search Engine Optimisation And How People Search

We’ve been doing a lot of thinking recently about the way that people use the internet. And especially about the way that they use search engines. As a company interested in search engine optimisation, that’s perfectly understandable. And our most recent interest has been sparked by the ongoing rise in navigational searches, which has led […]