Category Archives: Social Media

Social Media Tips For Lockdown

It can feel strange showing up on social media in a time where people are going through extreme anxiety, devastation, illness, and massive change. But amid the chaos, businesses still need fuel to run, and that takes awareness and intention from the business owner, as much as from their staff. Keeping clients and the public […]

Which Social Media Platform?

Although broadly similar on the surface, the various social media platforms can differ widely in the intent of their users, and as a result, choosing the right social media platform to promote or advertise your business is an essential part of an effective marketing strategy. Each can have benefits and drawbacks, depending on the type […]

Twitter Tests Flags For False Tweets

With increasing concerns about the proliferation of false or misleading information on social media, Twitter appears to be planning a way for users to provide feedback by labelling tweets from politicians and other public figures as being likely to be “harmfully misleading.” A leaked demo, (later confirmed by Twitter) showed brightly coloured labels prominently displayed […]

Leaked Facebook Emails Reveal Poor Data Practices

According to internal messages leaked from Facebook earlier this month, top-level employees strategised about how they could leverage the vast quantity of user data Facebook controls in order to limit or disadvantage companies which they perceive as threats, including YouTube, Twitter and Amazon. Although Facebook does not sell user data, it does share some of […]

Instagram Like Removal Expands To US

Following on from their initial trials in 7 other countries, Facebook-owned Instagram has now expanded the trial to the US, hiding “like” counts on posts for a selection of users, in order to test the feature. At a recent Wired event, the CEO of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, announced that the company was willing to make […]

Facebook Planning Major WhatsApp Changes

A recent announcement revealed some big plans on the cards for Facebook-owned messaging app WhatsApp, some which users will no doubt be pleased about, and others, not so much. New Group Privacy Settings First announced in April of this year, new group privacy settings will be rolling out to other countries in the near future, […]

Facebook Testing Hiding Likes

After reverse engineer Jane Wong recently discovered some test Facebook code, and Facebook confirmed that it was considering hiding “likes,” the popularity metric that they invented, they have now announced testing with a limited number of users in Australia. They also recently began the same test on Facebook-owned platform Instagram, implementing it for “some” users […]

Facebook Rebrands Instagram & WhatsApp

In a move that appears to be quite widely derided, Facebook has decided that it is going to forcibly remind everybody who owns Instagram and WhatsApp, by officially rebranding them. The wildly original new names for the products will be: “Instagram from Facebook” and “WhatsApp from Facebook.” Just in case you forgot that Facebook owned […]

Facebook Currency A Potential Economic Threat

Late last month, following an on-going series of leaks about the project, Facebook officially announced its plans to launch their own, in-platform cryptocurrency, to be known as Libra, scheduled for 2020. According to the Libra Whitepaper released by Facebook, their mission is to “enable a simple global currency and financial infrastructure that empowers billions of […]