Earlier this month, Google made new waves when they announced the implementation of a corporate restructure, in which they’ll reorganise under the name “Alphabet,” of which Google will just be a division or subsidiary. Given the extent to which Google diverged from its original business, namely search, it’s not surprising that some of their further […]
Tag Archives: Google News
Google has recently published a paper that could look to drastically shake up the way they rank their index in the future. While the level of data handling in the paper is still somewhat hypothetical, Google is looking into using the validity of content on a webpage as a primary ranking signal. In basic terms, […]
Hot on the heels of Facebook’s introduction of ‘Custom Audiences’, Google is looking for a new way to target ads more directly. Custom Audiences is Facebook’s way of doing this, and the feature allows advertisers to upload a list of email addresses of customers or website users, and then target ads to those users, based […]
In January of 2012, Google launched a free website service for South Africa, in partnership with the DTI, Vodacom and the HRDC. Since its inception, Google estimates that around 40,000 small businesses have used the service, but they’ve now decided to close it down, taking all those sites offline. Similar services in Kenya and Nigeria […]
Just over 3 years since Google first announced in a 2011 blog post that it would be supporting authorship mark-up and including rich snippets showing it in search results, authorship has become the latest feature they’ve dropped support for. In a Google+ post last night, John Mueller of Google Webmaster Tools announced that Google would […]
It’s been a week since Google’s Local Search algorithm update was rolled out in the U.S. Since our last article on the subject a few SEO experts have weighed in, reporting any changes they’ve noticed and sharing their opinions about the update on various platforms. The algorithm is still in its early days so we’re […]
Last week Thursday (24 July 2014) Google released its new algorithm update which, though yet unnamed by Google, has been dubbed Pigeon by SEOs. The new algorithm will have a noticeable impact on local search results, mainly within Google Map Search but also in the Google Web Search. So far, the algorithm is only affecting […]
It’s pretty frustrating to find out that somebody has copied your work. We’ve all had experience with that kid who sat next to you in class and copied your test answers. Imagine if that kid got a higher test score than you. To put this in terms of copywriting, imagine if somebody plagiarised your content, […]
Late last year, Google rolled out its new search algorithm, named Hummingbird, with the aim of giving users more precise results for their searches. In the past, the Google search results page would be made up of a ranked order of approximate answers (to a user’s query) based on keywords. With Hummingbird though, Google has […]
It’s been going on since mid-2010 and if Oracle has anything to do with it, it won’t be ending anytime soon. Despite the fact that the judge had ruled in Oracles favour, they weren’t awarded any damages and had to pay Google’s legal fees. Oracle has said that they intend to appeal the decision. In […]