Category Archives: Social Media

Does Your Company Need Facebook Marketing?

Well, according to experts, the answer is probably “Yes.” And why is that you may ask? Because Facebook generates more advertising revenue than any of its social media peers. According to ““Marketers also stated that Facebook is one of their top 10 most effective channels, with 73% saying it’s either “very effective” or “effective […]

Twitter To Provide Tool To Curb Abuse

In the wake of ongoing scandals surrounding the use of the social media network Twitter in online abuse and bullying, Twitter this month announced that they would be rolling out a tool that would help users combat the trend. In a press statement, Twitter explained that the amount of abuse, bullying and harassment has risen […]

Facebook Admits To Data Errors

Earlier this month, Facebook revealed that the reporting data it shares with publishers and advertisers could have been subject to errors. This comes two months after they admitted that it had been over-estimating the average time users spent watching videos on the platform. These latest errors involved reporting on the amount of time people spent […]

Facebook Advertising – Purchase Intent Or Branding

I’m a social media manager, and I think that Google Ads advertising is more effective than Facebook. There…I said it.  While other social media managers plot my imminent demise, I’ll use these last few minutes of my life to explain why. Actually, despite our tendency to do it anyway, we probably shouldn’t be comparing Google […]

The Importance Of Online Brand Building

The world is moving faster than ever with constantly evolving technologies, emerging social media platforms, viral videos, trending topics, streams of memes, algorithm updates, increased mobile adoption, apps and so on, making it easy to forget about one of the few things that stays constant through it all…the brand. Online marketing fast. Very fast. And […]

Instagram & Modern Marketing

In our modern and fast paced digital world, that’s all too often driven by an “I’ll believe it when I see it” mindset, there are new forms of content, and new ways to market, appearing all the time. As an almost perfect outgrowth of this, Instagram, an online mobile photo and video sharing social network, […]

Do Twitter URLs Get Clicked?

A recent study carried out jointly by Microsoft, the French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation, and Columbia University examined 2.8 million shares on Twitter, with a total potential audience of 75 billion views, 9.6 million actual clicks, and 59,000 unique resources in order to determine the extent to which URLs shared on […]

Microsoft Acquiring LinkedIn

Microsoft recently made a remarkably large bid to claim space in the social networking sphere with their proposal to purchase LinkedIn, (the worlds largest professional social network) for over $26 billion. The largest acquisition deal ever made by Microsoft, analysts believe that the deal signals a further move away from the software model that has […]

South Africa On Social Media – 2016

World Wide Worx and Fuseware conduct a regular survey into South African use of social media platforms.  Their latest South African Social Media Landscape report was released earlier this year, and had the following to say about how we as South Africans are using social media: South Africa On Facebook Facebook remains the most commonly […]

Personal Sharing Declines

According to a recent study by GlobalWebIndex, personal sharing on social media has undergone a significant decline, even while sharing for non-personal (commercial or tangentially commercial) reasons has increased. Since 2014, the reasons people give for sharing on social media has seen a global 33% reduction for “staying in touch with friends” and “sharing my […]